20 年前我第一次接触到电脑,便被深深的吸引。16 年前我得到了属于自己的电脑,便开始了 “电脑高手” 的道路。
每天放学回家就捧着电脑书看,一个很新奇的词 “网上冲浪” 吸引了我,书中所描述的让我感觉是另外一个世界。在这之后,我每天期待着通往那个世界。
“我要建立一个网站!” 那年 16 岁,我激动的对着身边的同学说着。
不知不觉人生匆匆走了 30 多个年头,曾经满腔热血的中二少年已渐显沧老。在碌碌无为多年后,我重新开始思考人生。被遗忘的梦想和当年的豪言壮语渐渐的在我的脑海中浮现。
Hello,World! 这是一句迟到多年的问候。
Well done on acquiring 686996.xyz! It's a great feeling to embark on a new online journey.
Following our commitment to support new domain owners, I'm connecting with a valuable resource for 686996.xyz.
I'm talking about our the Google Maps Lead Collector - a Chrome extension that allows you to locate local businesses in your area.
I've created a quick video that illustrates how it works:
This free tool enables you to:
Instantly download targeted business leads
Discover leads in targeted industries
Optimize your outreach
Launch your business right away
You'll get 50 leads per search with no limit on the number of searches!
Simply grab your free copy from the video description.
Here's to your success with 686996.xyz! Feel free to reach out with any concerns.
Kind regards,
Gia McCash
Digital Marketing Specialist